Thursday, October 1, 2015

M13 Hercules Cluster

It's been a while since I have posted any new images. Last night I finally figured out what was going on with my main imaging camera (modified Canon 350d) and got everything working correctly. I did a quick search and found that M13 was high in the sky and just past the median. So I pointed the scope and took 10 images at 2 minute exposures. I stacked them using Deep Sky Stacker with my OLD darks and flats (over 2 years old!) Here's the results.

(from Wikipedia)
Messier 13 (M13), also designated NGC 6205 and sometimes called the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules or the Hercules Globular Cluster, is a globular cluster of about 300,000 stars in the constellation of Hercules.

Equipment used:
Telescope: SkyWatcher 254 (10 inch newtonian)
Mount: Orion Atlas EQ6
Guiding: PHD2 with Orion Star Shooter
Software: Cartes du Ciel, EQMOD, PHD2, Deep Sky Stacker, Nebulosity2, StarTools

Monday, September 28, 2015

September 27th 2015 Lunar eclipse

Here's a few photos I captured using the 10 inch Newt and my Meade DSI IIc imager.