Here's my 1st light using my Quark. I had quite a bit of trouble with the first 2 Quarks I purchased. Neither were capable of producing an image that compared to others photos that I had seen. With quite a bit of help from one of my 'forum friends' on and the people at OPT (Oceanside Photo and Telescope) I was able to demonstrate that something was wrong. So this morning I fired up "Q3" (my 3rd Quark) and captured the following image. This is actually 2 images combined. One of the prominence and one of the surface stacked together. Because it requires a longer exposure to capture the prominence's you have to process two images to make one. This was captured using my Explore Scientific ES80ed-CF telescope on my EQ6g mount, the Quark and then my new ZWO ASI174mm-C camera.
Enjoy! (more to follow!)