Monday, December 17, 2018

12-15-2018 Northeastern Prom (ROI)

12-15-2018 Northeastern Prominence.

Quark Chromosphere
ZWO ASI174-mm-c

M45 The Pleiades

The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45, are an open star cluster containing middle-aged, hot B-type stars located in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky. Wikipedia

Imaged 12-12-2018
ZWO ASI1600mm-c

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Friday, November 30, 2018

Sun spot AR2728 from 11-27-2018

Sun spot AR2728 from 11-27-2018

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Here's an image I captured this morning (11-21-2018). I used FireCapture instead of my usual SharpCap software to capture the images. I also inverted the image as this is a prominence that is in the southern section of the sun.

Scope: ES80ed-cf
Mount: EQ6g
Quark Chromosphere 
Camera: ZWO ASI174mm-c

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sun Spot AR2727

Sun spot AR2727 from 11-18-2019

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Here' an image of sun spot AR2721 taken September 9th, 2018.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Here's a close up of a solar flare from September 1, 2018. I'm starting to get things dialed in now!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

DayStar Quark Chromosphere 1st Light.

Here's my 1st light using my Quark. I had quite a bit of trouble with the first 2 Quarks I purchased. Neither were capable of producing an image that compared to others photos that I had seen. With quite a bit of help from one of my 'forum friends' on and the people at OPT (Oceanside Photo and Telescope) I was able to demonstrate that something was wrong. So this morning I fired up "Q3" (my 3rd Quark) and captured the following image. This is actually 2 images combined. One of the prominence and one of the surface stacked together. Because it requires a longer exposure to capture the prominence's you have to process two images to make one. This was captured using my Explore Scientific ES80ed-CF telescope on my EQ6g mount, the Quark and then my new ZWO ASI174mm-C camera. 

Enjoy! (more to follow!)

Saturday, May 19, 2018

My best Jupiter (so far)

I don't really have a planetary imaging setup. But still, I'm pretty happy with the results!

Scope: ES ED80cf
mount: Orion Atlas EQ6g
Camera: ZWO ASI 120mc
Televue 5x Barlow.

Best 40% stacked from 500 images.